"The Death of the Relational Database"

"Relational Database"でぐぐって上記Blogを発見。

Storing the relationships between objects *in* the objects is a problem.

The essence of why the relational model doesn’t handle the more dynamic model of knowledge as opposed to information, is that relational databases are built around the idea that the relationship between objects is *built into* the objects. For example, invoices are typically stored as one type of object in a database. Customers are a different type of object. An invoice knows *as part of its structure*, who the customer is. That pointer to the customer is stored *in* the invoice.

This is bad.


ここでは、Relational Modelだけが攻撃されていて、オブジェクト指向は対象にあがっていないが、オブジェクト指向によるカプセル化あたりの手法も、同様の問題をはらんでいると思う。わかりやすい問題点のひとつは、「切り口の変化」や、「オブジェクト間の関係性の変化」に柔軟に対応できない、ということだ。

“Excuse me Mrs. Smith. We require you to decide on all of your child’s friends for life before you go into labor.”

The graph model is much easier and more appropriate for typical web tasks.
